Extremely Limited Offer!

Get Access To The Fundamentals Of Flipping Houses Without Using Your Own Money!

This Amazing Opportunity Ends In:

Get Access To The Training That Has Led To Thousands Of Flips Using Other People's Money

Plus A Limited Time Bonus All For Just $27

Here's What You'll Get For Just $7

Future Value Training

You'll be able to QUICKLY AND EFFORTLESSLY put an accurate resale value on any house in the country. This is the most important and profitable skillset of today's top flippers.

The Universal Formula

The ESSENTIAL numbers that you ABSOLUTELY NEED to know to determine exactly how much you'll make on any deal. You'll be able to plug this simple formula into any deal and know immediately whether you go after it or move onto the next one.

The Universal Formula
The ESSENTIAL numbers that you ABSOLUTELY NEED to know to determine exactly how much you'll make on any deal. You'll be able to plug this simple formula into any deal and know immediately whether you go after it or move onto the next one.

OPM Lender Script

The 18 point script that I use with every lender I talk to to position myself as a powerful investor that they will want to THROW THEIR CASH AT FOR DEALS. Plug yourself into this and watch the lenders line up.

Networking Strategy Essentials

The process I use with the free flip T-Shirt to get strangers to stop me on the street and how I lead them through conversations to CREATE NEW BUSINESS PARTNERSHIPS that expand my business on a daily basis.

Networking Strategy Essentials
The process I use with the free flip T-Shirt to get strangers to stop me on the street and how I lead them through conversations to CREATE NEW BUSINESS PARTNERSHIPS that expand my business on a daily basis.


"Once I decided to invest I have not looked back. I've learned significantly in only 2 weeks. You know that Jake actually cares about his students success. I have 0 regrets."

- Jason V (26 years old)

Who Is Jake Leicht?

Over the last 11 years, I've been flipping houses using other people's money (OPM) as a very profitable side-hustle. When I got my start, I was broke and five figures in debt, had zero real estate or construction experience, and had to figure out a way to still be able to compete. Throughout my journey, I've learned a lot through coaches, mentors, and trial-and-error, and have been blessed to be able to do some pretty cool things...

  • Flipped Over 900 Houses in almost every state in the county
  • Featured speaker at world class events and has helped thousands of investors look at the opportunities in today's market differently and more creatively
  • Advanced coach and mentor, sharing the NEW way to flip houses, from A-to-Z, and how to quickly be effective using modern resources and technology

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